$handler = str_ireplace('Storage.php', '', $fileName); $handler = str_ireplace('.php', '', $handler); $handlers[] = strtolower($handler); } } return $handlers; } /** * Set caching enabled state * * @param boolean $enabled True to enable caching * * @return void * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function setCaching($enabled) { $this->_options['caching'] = $enabled; } /** * Get caching state * * @return boolean * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function getCaching() { return $this->_options['caching']; } /** * Set cache lifetime * * @param integer $lt Cache lifetime in minutes * * @return void * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function setLifeTime($lt) { $this->_options['lifetime'] = $lt; } /** * Check if the cache contains data stored by ID and group * * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * * @return boolean * * @since 3.7.0 */ public function contains($id, $group = null) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; return $this->_getStorage()->contains($id, $group); } /** * Get cached data by ID and group * * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * * @return mixed Boolean false on failure or a cached data object * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function get($id, $group = null) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; return $this->_getStorage()->get($id, $group, $this->_options['checkTime']); } /** * Get a list of all cached data * * @return mixed Boolean false on failure or an object with a list of cache groups and data * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function getAll() { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } return $this->_getStorage()->getAll(); } /** * Store the cached data by ID and group * * @param mixed $data The data to store * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * * @return boolean * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function store($data, $id, $group = null) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; // Get the storage and store the cached data return $this->_getStorage()->store($id, $group, $data); } /** * Remove a cached data entry by ID and group * * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * * @return boolean * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function remove($id, $group = null) { // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; try { return $this->_getStorage()->remove($id, $group); } catch (CacheExceptionInterface $e) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } throw $e; } } /** * Clean cache for a group given a mode. * * group mode : cleans all cache in the group * notgroup mode : cleans all cache not in the group * * @param string $group The cache data group * @param string $mode The mode for cleaning cache [group|notgroup] * * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function clean($group = null, $mode = 'group') { // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; try { return $this->_getStorage()->clean($group, $mode); } catch (CacheExceptionInterface $e) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } throw $e; } } /** * Garbage collect expired cache data * * @return boolean * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function gc() { try { return $this->_getStorage()->gc(); } catch (CacheExceptionInterface $e) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } throw $e; } } /** * Set lock flag on cached item * * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * @param string $locktime The default locktime for locking the cache. * * @return \stdClass Object with properties of lock and locklooped * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function lock($id, $group = null, $locktime = null) { $returning = new \stdClass(); $returning->locklooped = false; if (!$this->getCaching()) { $returning->locked = false; return $returning; } // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; // Get the default locktime $locktime = $locktime ?: $this->_options['locktime']; /* * Allow storage handlers to perform locking on their own * NOTE drivers with lock need also unlock or unlocking will fail because of false $id */ $handler = $this->_getStorage(); if ($this->_options['locking'] == true) { $locked = $handler->lock($id, $group, $locktime); if ($locked !== false) { return $locked; } } // Fallback $curentlifetime = $this->_options['lifetime']; // Set lifetime to locktime for storing in children $this->_options['lifetime'] = $locktime; $looptime = $locktime * 10; $id2 = $id . '_lock'; if ($this->_options['locking'] == true) { $data_lock = $handler->get($id2, $group, $this->_options['checkTime']); } else { $data_lock = false; $returning->locked = false; } if ($data_lock !== false) { $lock_counter = 0; // Loop until you find that the lock has been released. That implies that data get from other thread has finished while ($data_lock !== false) { if ($lock_counter > $looptime) { $returning->locked = false; $returning->locklooped = true; break; } usleep(100); $data_lock = $handler->get($id2, $group, $this->_options['checkTime']); $lock_counter++; } } if ($this->_options['locking'] == true) { $returning->locked = $handler->store($id2, $group, 1); } // Revert lifetime to previous one $this->_options['lifetime'] = $curentlifetime; return $returning; } /** * Unset lock flag on cached item * * @param string $id The cache data ID * @param string $group The cache data group * * @return boolean * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function unlock($id, $group = null) { if (!$this->getCaching()) { return false; } // Get the default group $group = $group ?: $this->_options['defaultgroup']; // Allow handlers to perform unlocking on their own $handler = $this->_getStorage(); $unlocked = $handler->unlock($id, $group); if ($unlocked !== false) { return $unlocked; } // Fallback return $handler->remove($id . '_lock', $group); } /** * Get the cache storage handler * * @return CacheStorage * * @since 1.7.0 */ public function &_getStorage() { $hash = md5(serialize($this->_options)); if (isset(self::$_handler[$hash])) { return self::$_handler[$hash]; } self::$_handler[$hash] = CacheStorage::getInstance($this->_options['storage'], $this->_options); return self::$_handler[$hash]; } /** * Perform workarounds on retrieved cached data * * @param array $data Cached data * @param array $options Array of options * * @return string Body of cached data * * @since 1.7.0 */ public static function getWorkarounds($data, $options = []) { $app = Factory::getApplication(); $document = Factory::getDocument(); $body = null; // Get the document head out of the cache. if ( isset($options['mergehead']) && $options['mergehead'] == 1 && isset($data['head']) && !empty($data['head']) && method_exists($document, 'mergeHeadData') ) { $document->mergeHeadData($data['head']); } elseif (isset($data['head']) && method_exists($document, 'setHeadData')) { $document->setHeadData($data['head']); } // Get the document MIME encoding out of the cache if (isset($data['mime_encoding'])) { $document->setMimeEncoding($data['mime_encoding'], true); } // If the pathway buffer is set in the cache data, get it. if (isset($data['pathway']) && \is_array($data['pathway'])) { // Push the pathway data into the pathway object. $app->getPathway()->setPathway($data['pathway']); } // @todo check if the following is needed, seems like it should be in page cache // If a module buffer is set in the cache data, get it. if (isset($data['module']) && \is_array($data['module'])) { // Iterate through the module positions and push them into the document buffer. foreach ($data['module'] as $name => $contents) { $document->setBuffer($contents, 'module', $name); } } // Set cached headers. if (isset($data['headers']) && $data['headers']) { foreach ($data['headers'] as $header) { $app->setHeader($header['name'], $header['value']); } } // The following code searches for a token in the cached page and replaces it with the proper token. if (isset($data['body'])) { $token = Session::getFormToken(); $search = '##'; $replacement = ''; $data['body'] = preg_replace($search, $replacement, $data['body']); $body = $data['body']; } // Get the document body out of the cache. return $body; } /** * Create workarounds for data to be cached * * @param string $data Cached data * @param array $options Array of options * * @return array Data to be cached * * @since 1.7.0 */ public static function setWorkarounds($data, $options = []) { $loptions = [ 'nopathway' => 0, 'nohead' => 0, 'nomodules' => 0, 'modulemode' => 0, ]; if (isset($options['nopathway'])) { $loptions['nopathway'] = $options['nopathway']; } if (isset($options['nohead'])) { $loptions['nohead'] = $options['nohead']; } if (isset($options['nomodules'])) { $loptions['nomodules'] = $options['nomodules']; } if (isset($options['modulemode'])) { $loptions['modulemode'] = $options['modulemode']; } $app = Factory::getApplication(); $document = Factory::getDocument(); if ($loptions['nomodules'] != 1) { // Get the modules buffer before component execution. $buffer1 = $document->getBuffer(); if (!\is_array($buffer1)) { $buffer1 = []; } // Make sure the module buffer is an array. if (!isset($buffer1['module']) || !\is_array($buffer1['module'])) { $buffer1['module'] = []; } } // View body data $cached = ['body' => $data]; // Document head data if ($loptions['nohead'] != 1 && method_exists($document, 'getHeadData')) { if ($loptions['modulemode'] == 1) { $headNow = $document->getHeadData(); $unset = ['title', 'description', 'link', 'links', 'metaTags']; foreach ($unset as $key) { unset($headNow[$key]); } // Sanitize empty data foreach (\array_keys($headNow) as $key) { if (!isset($headNow[$key]) || $headNow[$key] === []) { unset($headNow[$key]); } } $cached['head'] = $headNow; } else { $cached['head'] = $document->getHeadData(); // Document MIME encoding $cached['mime_encoding'] = $document->getMimeEncoding(); } } // Pathway data if ($app->isClient('site') && $loptions['nopathway'] != 1) { $cached['pathway'] = $data['pathway'] ?? $app->getPathway()->getPathway(); } if ($loptions['nomodules'] != 1) { // @todo Check if the following is needed, seems like it should be in page cache // Get the module buffer after component execution. $buffer2 = $document->getBuffer(); if (!\is_array($buffer2)) { $buffer2 = []; } // Make sure the module buffer is an array. if (!isset($buffer2['module']) || !\is_array($buffer2['module'])) { $buffer2['module'] = []; } // Compare the second module buffer against the first buffer. $cached['module'] = array_diff_assoc($buffer2['module'], $buffer1['module']); } // Headers data if (isset($options['headers']) && $options['headers']) { $cached['headers'] = $app->getHeaders(); } return $cached; } /** * Create a safe ID for cached data from URL parameters * * @return string MD5 encoded cache ID * * @since 1.7.0 */ public static function makeId() { $app = Factory::getApplication(); $registeredurlparams = new \stdClass(); // Get url parameters set by plugins if (!empty($app->registeredurlparams)) { $registeredurlparams = $app->registeredurlparams; } // Platform defaults $defaulturlparams = [ 'format' => 'CMD', 'option' => 'CMD', 'view' => 'CMD', 'layout' => 'CMD', 'tpl' => 'CMD', 'id' => 'STRING', ]; // Use platform defaults if parameter doesn't already exist. foreach ($defaulturlparams as $param => $type) { if (!property_exists($registeredurlparams, $param)) { $registeredurlparams->$param = $type; } } $safeuriaddon = new \stdClass(); foreach ($registeredurlparams as $key => $value) { $safeuriaddon->$key = $app->getInput()->get($key, null, $value); } return md5(serialize($safeuriaddon)); } /** * Set a prefix cache key if device calls for separate caching * * @return string * * @since 3.5 */ public static function getPlatformPrefix() { // No prefix when Global Config is set to no platform specific prefix if (!Factory::getApplication()->get('cache_platformprefix', false)) { return ''; } $webclient = new WebClient(); if ($webclient->mobile) { return 'M-'; } return ''; } /** * Add a directory where Cache should search for handlers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories. * * @param array|string $path A path to search. * * @return array An array with directory elements * * @since 1.7.0 */ public static function addIncludePath($path = '') { static $paths; if (!isset($paths)) { $paths = []; } if (!empty($path) && !\in_array($path, $paths)) { array_unshift($paths, Path::clean($path)); } return $paths; } } An Error Occurred: Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

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